Our Services
The expectation is that we meet once per week, however if you need more than 1 call we will do as many as you need.
Training and nutrition programs based on your experience level, body-type, individual goals, equipment available to you, and many other factors.
We operate in 12-week training blocks that include discovery phases and structured ramp-ups and deloads.
Workouts will walk you through which movement to perform, how to perform it, how much weight you should be moving, how many sets you should be doing, how many reps you should be doing, utilizing RPE to determine how intensely you should be training, and how long you should be resting between sets.
So, essentially micro-managing you. -
We are going to determine how much you should be eating, how we can reach that level consistently, what foods you should be eating and when, and work towards tracking in a healthy manner each and every day. I’ll be assigning suggested meal-plans and shopping lists each week.
Clients have access to the MC Recipe Database which will provide them with 100+ recipes that include video walkthroughs that take 10-20 minutes to prepare.
On top of this clients will have access to an exercise library which will ensure each movement is being performed safely and effectively.